Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Metaphysically Linked.
Thanks for always being there babe, I love you so much!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
When will it stop?
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Finally things are looking great!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Fading Armor
Monday, October 5, 2009
Ambition, a bad thing?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Not all
Re-new begginings?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Been a while!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Childhood dream or future reality?
Monday, June 22, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I'll have a samuel wait? Gimme something new!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Upset or Happy? Im just confused
Sunday, May 31, 2009
The Gym
I love walking into any gym, doesn't matter if its Omni fitness, Ballys Fitness, my current college gym, and noticing a few things. With an over sized shirt, I blend in with the wall paint, I'm basically invisible, I like these days sometimes. Their the days when I'm at the gym just to workout and not socialize (ha that's like going to the bar and not drinking...) A lot of the times it's also because don't notice it as well, because I know when I go to the gym, it's to WORKOUT, I'm already in a relationship, im not going to the gym to look for a girl, so I dont give a shit what I look like! A lot of the times I look like a caveman, unshaven with a serious look on my face.
THEN, flip the tape over to side B, you got the days when I go in with a form fitting shirt/wife beater and people look at me like I'm a dangerous escaped convict that's ate the iron instead of lifted them for the time he was in there, like "LOCK THAT MF'er BACK IN THERE!" (Guess which one I like more lol) Everybody in there stares, whether it's because they envy my genetics, or theyre amazed at how the human body can shape itself over time with proper training, i'll never know (until they tell me which has happened in the Gym, and can be quite awkward if not done properly lol) It's funny how at the beginning when I started lifting just for me and was still fat, everybody just passed me on and saw me at only that stage in my life. Let me explain, because I mean when I see people on the treadmill I don't say "run tubby cuz you need this more than me". Quite the opposite, because all people need is encouragement, and they're ready to jump start the fitness commitment they've been looking for and dint know they had in them. My girlfriend told me one day "Think about how many random people you've inspired to start working out" This got me thinking, because even if its just one person, well that in itself would be pretty cool to me.
Safe Haven
I was talking to my barber today and damn this dude is MAD stressed, I was just hoping the shit dint come out on my hairline or else there would of been two pissed people in the barbershop today. I told him that (you) need a place in your life where you can get away from every day stress, even if its only for fifteen minutes. Whether its at a basketball court, church, hell if going shopping calms you down do it! Have a spot that calms you down and relaxes you, it doesn't matter where. For me, that's the gym, don't call me, don't text me, and definitely don't rush me! Having a place like this makes it easier to face the challenges that life throws at me and better able to handle certain situations. I can stay in there for hours upon hours lol, I get labeled a "Gym Rat" but it's MY VICE! Smoke, drink, have sex, get as many piercings & tattoos as you'd like, I wont judge, everybody has a vice. As long as you have your "thing" so to speak, just find a way that it benefits you more than it does harm, because trust me, there's always some way you can always drop that dumbbell on your toe, or crush your fingers (fortunately for me I've done both) and put you out of commission for a while, or permanently because there are some things you cant recover from. But the ones that allow you to do, when it's time, visualize coming back, Bigger, Better and Stronger. Like that saying, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. I know I don't have to spell it out but since Im going on the Gym theme here, just use my metaphor for a lot of things in life, I know my readers are smart.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Time for some action!
I'm Freeeeeee!!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Ahhh one of my favorite acronyms next to HNIC and NWA. But this post isn't about hip hop acronyms lol, C.ash R.ules E.verything A.round M.e seems to apply to a lot of people. I feel that it's so true in many cases, like if I had money I would take care of these things in a heart beat, and when I say have money, I mean like I hit the lotto or something and get A LOT of green
First thing's first!
- Pay off all my mom's bills, then make sure she's set for life in DR, get her that nice beach house!
- Pay off all my bills (and my girls bills) cuz these college loans and credit cards got me stressed the fuck out lol(fuck you St John's!!)
- Then come all the material shit you already know...clothes, cars, and I'm not much of a jewelery man but I'm definitely getting a nice watch, you can keep all that bling, I'll stick with something simple that I like, kind of like this
Even after all the money situation is fixed, there's still goals that I want to accomplish that money can't buy.
Then there's extreme shit!(kind of lol)
And this is just the tip of the iceberg, my list is limitless as to what I want to accomplish. Let's see what the future unfolds.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Suuuuuunnnnny Daaaaaayyyyysss!!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Spring break?!?!!111one
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Cleaned my room tonight
Monday, March 23, 2009
Posts...or lack of
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
March 18th!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The Joys of Running!
- Running with a Partner
- Good music
- Environment
So if you think you hate running, and you haven't tried any of these, what do you have to lose? Go for it!
Monday, March 9, 2009
A Dream come true!
Eventually he researched into it enough to find out that he was experiencing what many people experience when they have a near death experience, but instead it was much stronger than that. In this state, you can sort of just separate your physical self, with your meta physical self and actually see everything in a new clarity, according to him. Astral projection seems like something out of a sci-fi movie to me and as much as I love the genre and I'm not discrediting him, but this does seem a bit far fetched. It's just a crazy notion to imagine that people have these abilities to be able to detach themselves from their physical body and roam the universe, so to speak.
Albert can fly, cross through physical objects, see through them as well, and in his astral state, he can even speak with those who have had their life passes revoked. I can make a connection and see that a lot of the experiences described in the book can be tied to something that has occurred to him in the physical state, or can easily be imagined during sleep. Only because the mind is such a powerful device and it can create the most wondrous situations while your asleep or construct the most terrible nightmare that would make Freddy Kreuger want to move out of Elm Street. Except the more I read about this stuff the more I scoff at myself and say what a bunch of crap this is! I know some people don't care but I mean why not fly to the Middle East and see where Bin Laden is hiding if he's still alive? I bet if I asked him personally there would be some type of bullshit "astral" excuse as to why he wouldn't be able to do that.
I believed it more at the beginning of the book because some of the things sounded a little bit more plausible. That is until he described that he was able to use his third eye to "see" through the wall and sense who was on the other side. Like I said I'm not calling the guy a liar because in a similar comparison, just because you can't see the oxygen you are breathing doesn't mean it's not there. But I can sure as hell use some type of equipment to measure the oxygen content in my room to make sure that it's there. This is pretty amazing but this is definitely one of those things that you have to experience for yourself to believe.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
New Style in the horizon, Maybe?
I like the style don't get me wrong, its just were at the point in time where everybody is trying to be different at the same time and ends up looking just like the person next to them. Its a perpetual cycle that undoubtedly continues to feed on itself. Whatever I decide to do I just want to be comfortable with what I'm wearing. At the same time I want to look and feel good regardless of others. I tend apply the same principles to working out, because you better believe I don't do it for anybody but me, I could give two shits about what you think about my body, hate it or love it (dont get offended but its the truth).
Its the only thing I can do that I don't need anybody else involved with unless I allow them to. I wouldn't be where I am with that today if I took peoples opinions to heart about the way I look. One thing Ive asked myself though is how do you define what "looking good" is? Yes, it will vary from person to person, but the answer is quite simple, just wear what makes you, you. Reguardless of what other people think, if you like wearing a super tight shirt that has your love handles squeezing out, wear em! Some tight booty shorts that make your ass look great, accentuate those curves, if you got to wear that shirt to hide your gut, do it! We let a lot of media, and artists influence us, which isn't bad but at the same time it gives us unrealistic goals. Were people leading regular lives working, going to school, with everyday problems lol. God knows as much as i'd love to be in the gym 5 days a week, it's just not possible anymore. Hopefully I will see what the future holds for me with clothes! I am getting older, and I know for damn sure I wont be wearing these tight ass jeans into my 30's lol.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Good-Morning muse
Came to me while passing out on the train ride home this morning, weird. Had to scribble it on a GQ magazine subscription stub I found on the floor lol, my phone was dead. Guess it can come to you whenever.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Whenver that happens...
Hi, how’s it going? It’s me, Joel, and well, you know where I’ve been for the past 3 years after High School, and I love it up here! It’s so great not having a care in the world… Sky isn't the limit, just my imagination over here, but I have a feeling I won't like it up here forever, which is exactly why I want to come back. Would you please be kind enough to wait for me? I’d very much like to join the real world again, but I love it so much up here. The only nightmares I have are the dreams of waking up from this nightmare…if that’s not cryptic enough for you, how about not knowing where you want to be in the next few years. So many questions, but who the hell’s going to answer them for me? Every time I pick up one leaf, it seems like a thousand fall to take it's place, the questions just keep popping up! I think I’ll take my time though, I’ll see you when I get there alright? While some people are born great, others achieve it, and a couple have it thrust upon them, with my luck I’ll stumble over it and just keep walking, while looking around me to see if anybody noticed lol. I hope I’m aware enough at the moment and grab it when the chance comes at me. How will I know? How does anybody know? Let’s see when the moment comes and hopefully I’ll be able to ♪♫climb♪♫!
Sincerely hoping all goes well with you,
Your buddy
Joel Dume
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Saving lives one pint at a time! 3 lives to be exact! I hope this stuff actually gets used and doesn't end up rotting somewhere in a warehouse(I gotta stop being so paranoid)...I wonder, god forbid, if it ever occurred that I needed a blood transfusion, would the nearest hospital that I would get admitted into have a supply waiting for me? One can only hope, that if the worst happened, and it would come to that, there was somebody out there for whatever reason, be it to get out of class (guilty), or just honestly because they wanted to be helpful (definitely me too) donated some for you. This could be the miracle that somebody out there with the rare blood type could be looking for to save their life. So next time you see that blood donor bus parked outside sign up! It takes like 20-25min to do, it's quick and simple, and virtually painless!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tell me something I don't know...
How do you get information that you really need but dint know if the person your asking is lying or telling you the truth? The answer is Mathew Alexander (writing under a pseudonym of course) He's a former Criminal Investigator. In the book titled "How to break a Terrorist" there are a lot of elements explored. I know you're thinking why would I even bother reading this book? For me aside from the action spread throughout the entire book and the actual retelling of Matt's interrogations compelled me enough to keep reading. It was a view into peoples feelings and emotions on whats going on in their country and what they must do to survive. Don't get me wrong, I'm by no means condoning terrorism, but there are people out there with their back against the wall that joining a terrorist faction was merely a means to survive. The closest thing I can compare it to over here is kind of like when people join gangs just to try and get by. After finishing up the book it's definitely piqued my interest and made me aware about another culture that is only portrayed one way in the media today. This scenario runs through my mind... Imagine, you're in pathmark on the day when the items are on sale and the place is crowded... and all of a sudden somebody screams out "In God we trust!!" before igniting the C4 strapped to a vest snugly tucked under their white tee and flight jacket...The next scene is beyond words and only in your nightmares and bad Quentin Tarantino films have you ever seen so much gore. You see people screaming and running all around you but you only hear the ringing in your ear like the emptiness from space being swallowed by a black hole... and then you realize that your father and little sister are no where to be found, and a sudden wave of panic rushes over you as you struggle to regain your balance. You look around you and see your family a little rattled, but no serious injury!...This is the happy version of what goes wrong every day in the battle between the Sunni's and the Shiites. Broaden your knowledge of the on going war if you haven't already, my only regret about this book is that I dint pick one up like this sooner.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Saint Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Where's my light? I'm no where near the end of the tunnel...
Saturday, February 7, 2009
The Abstract!
Taken from okayplayer.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Last Stop...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Inspiration...
Friday, January 23, 2009
Human After all...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
2009, change is here!...not....
No, this is not a stab at Barack Obama (Finally he's officially in!). I am talking about a topic that's still highly controversial today, as it was back in the day when they forced people to sit at the back of the bus. But depending on your point of view, it varies greatly and the pendulum swings either way. If you dint get that I am talking about racism by now, it’s time to turn off MTV and pick up a news paper, and get real world information, not watch the “real world”. It’s been so long since the afore mentioned acts were commonly and widely accepted, but still, it goes on around us. It happened to me about 3 days ago at a store. No it’s not the first time it’s happened to me and I’m pretty certain it won’t be the last either, but at least it’s been a lot less obvious. I went to an electronics store with a friend, that’s located across the street from where I work in downtown Manhattan. To those that know me, already know I don’t dress “hood” and by no means portray that I’m a gangster or anything remotely close to that. It’s just so funny that out of everybody that was walking in there, the security guard follows us around. This guy was watching me like I was stuffing DVD’s in my pea coat as soon as I walked into the store. I’m assuming it’s because my friend was wearing a baggy flight jacket that said “Brooklyn” in big embroidered letters on the back and wearing a beanie hat twisted to the side. I couldn’t even shop in peace, though I still managed to find Metal Gear Solid 1(!) and a decent pair of earphones with Mr. Magoo staring at us in plain sight. I mean at least try to do it in an area where we can’t easily notice you serving us grilled cheese looks. Have the decency to treat us like equals and let me buy the merchandise like everybody else. Is my money not the same green as the others? Is it tainted as soon as it reaches the folds of my pockets? If the cashier at the counter didn’t look so worried while I was buying the merchandise, I would of told her that this guy shouldn’t be hawking the customers like that. Yes it’s his duty to protect the store, and be a little suspicious. Though I bet while he was watching us, the real shop lifters go their after Christmas 5 finger discounts in full effect. I let it go for now…until next time, and there will be a next time, because while some people may change (and that’s hardly the case), the circumstance always remains the same. Always judging a book by it’s cover.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
The Journey...
It’s a very safe and sound environment, I am out of harms way in here. But something just does not feel right, the air is very thick, it becomes difficult to breathe and Suddenly the safe environment begins to look like a holding cell, I cant seem to getaway from these four walls which if could speak would say leave! God knows they would try to themselves if they weren’t rooted in place, but I digress, my senses are warning me and I feel attracted but repulsed at the same time by the thought current struggle outside… aaahh but the outer surface is unpredictable, very random and incredibly volatile, almost as if jumping into shark infested water with a meat necklace dangling from your collar, any wrong move could mean a much needed, but eternal escape from this cruel world. Yet still its as if on auto pilot, my appendages begin to act on their own, latching on the gear for the journey ahead, only the necessary equipment as if tomorrow does not matter, only the right here and the now. Ready I am for the fight up ahead, clashing against the elements head first. NO thunder strong enough to find my weakness. No rain heavy enough to slow down my momentum. NO snow sleek enough to make my actions unsteady. As I fight through the limitless army sent forth from Gaia’s empire I am yet to see failure as an option. FINALLY VICTORY is mine for the taking… the battle has been won, but the war still rages on. Gauging the distance I’ve put between myself and my home, it’s time to trek back throughout the battlefield and get some much needed rest to revitalize my energy, heaven knows this wont be the last time I have to brave the elements. I take off my running shoes, finish up my after running stretches in order to avoid later pain and finish strong with a bottle of water and a nice warm shower!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
La introduction

1st time blogger here! I guess this qualifies as an intro, to me? I’m a simple person (read easy to hang with, not retarded), I’ve got so much patience sometimes it turns on me for the worse with people, give them a step they take you one foot beyond (sound familiar?) I've noticed that a lot of people get the impression i am an asshole or I'm very quiet/shy...that's not true at all, but if the situation makes it's going to BE awkward. This leads me to first impressions, which up until about a year ago I wasn’t able to grasp how significant they could be, especially as time goes by and your still around them…After that it’s just maintenance, but attempting to change the way people perceive your actions after that first impression is still a feat I’m yet to achieve…