Monday, March 23, 2009

Posts...or lack of

Haven't been posting much lately, usually means I'm REALLY busy dealing with school and work stuff! I cant be too lazy to write something up on here, hell this is where I come when I AM procrastinating lol. I've recently begun to think about new possibilities for my future. New majors, new jobs, that will affect me a lot in the future. I've come to realize that I have to step up to the plate and make my decision now before it is too late. And literally there are a bunch of dead lines coming up for what Im trying to do, and if I don't get the material in now, the wait is up to a whole year again! And that definitely wont do for me. Im sick and tired of waiting for stuff to happen, while I sit around and watch the people around me move forward, as if I'm stuck in slow motion. If I learned anything from reading the Art of War, the hesitating general does not win the wars. I've got to get my battle formation right though, because this next move has to be executed perfectly, or at least with some genuine thought put into it.

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Well say something, don't just stare at it!!