I put on my earphones to drown out the ferocious roar of the metal beast thundering through the deepest and emptiest spaces of my mind. Slipping in and out of consciousness the mind and body that were once one entity, now unplugged from reality are separated in the astral plane, as if I've taken the red pill with no regrets. But what's this beautiful noise? The static emanating from my left ear bud has interrupted the hypnotic hold over me that was created by the uncontrollable but rhythmic swaying, like the rocking of a baby's cradle...My eyes are open now. I've arrived at my destination, this is my stop.
Came to me while passing out on the train ride home this morning, weird. Had to scribble it on a GQ magazine subscription stub I found on the floor lol, my phone was dead. Guess it can come to you whenever.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Whenver that happens...
Dear Life,
Hi, how’s it going? It’s me, Joel, and well, you know where I’ve been for the past 3 years after High School, and I love it up here! It’s so great not having a care in the world… Sky isn't the limit, just my imagination over here, but I have a feeling I won't like it up here forever, which is exactly why I want to come back. Would you please be kind enough to wait for me? I’d very much like to join the real world again, but I love it so much up here. The only nightmares I have are the dreams of waking up from this nightmare…if that’s not cryptic enough for you, how about not knowing where you want to be in the next few years. So many questions, but who the hell’s going to answer them for me? Every time I pick up one leaf, it seems like a thousand fall to take it's place, the questions just keep popping up! I think I’ll take my time though, I’ll see you when I get there alright? While some people are born great, others achieve it, and a couple have it thrust upon them, with my luck I’ll stumble over it and just keep walking, while looking around me to see if anybody noticed lol. I hope I’m aware enough at the moment and grab it when the chance comes at me. How will I know? How does anybody know? Let’s see when the moment comes and hopefully I’ll be able to ♪♫climb♪♫!
Sincerely hoping all goes well with you,
Your buddy
Joel Dume
Hi, how’s it going? It’s me, Joel, and well, you know where I’ve been for the past 3 years after High School, and I love it up here! It’s so great not having a care in the world… Sky isn't the limit, just my imagination over here, but I have a feeling I won't like it up here forever, which is exactly why I want to come back. Would you please be kind enough to wait for me? I’d very much like to join the real world again, but I love it so much up here. The only nightmares I have are the dreams of waking up from this nightmare…if that’s not cryptic enough for you, how about not knowing where you want to be in the next few years. So many questions, but who the hell’s going to answer them for me? Every time I pick up one leaf, it seems like a thousand fall to take it's place, the questions just keep popping up! I think I’ll take my time though, I’ll see you when I get there alright? While some people are born great, others achieve it, and a couple have it thrust upon them, with my luck I’ll stumble over it and just keep walking, while looking around me to see if anybody noticed lol. I hope I’m aware enough at the moment and grab it when the chance comes at me. How will I know? How does anybody know? Let’s see when the moment comes and hopefully I’ll be able to ♪♫climb♪♫!
Sincerely hoping all goes well with you,
Your buddy
Joel Dume
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Saving lives one pint at a time! 3 lives to be exact! I hope this stuff actually gets used and doesn't end up rotting somewhere in a warehouse(I gotta stop being so paranoid)...I wonder, god forbid, if it ever occurred that I needed a blood transfusion, would the nearest hospital that I would get admitted into have a supply waiting for me? One can only hope, that if the worst happened, and it would come to that, there was somebody out there for whatever reason, be it to get out of class (guilty), or just honestly because they wanted to be helpful (definitely me too) donated some for you. This could be the miracle that somebody out there with the rare blood type could be looking for to save their life. So next time you see that blood donor bus parked outside sign up! It takes like 20-25min to do, it's quick and simple, and virtually painless!
Blood Donor
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tell me something I don't know...
How do you get information that you really need but dint know if the person your asking is lying or telling you the truth? The answer is Mathew Alexander (writing under a pseudonym of course) He's a former Criminal Investigator. In the book titled "How to break a Terrorist" there are a lot of elements explored. I know you're thinking why would I even bother reading this book? For me aside from the action spread throughout the entire book and the actual retelling of Matt's interrogations compelled me enough to keep reading. It was a view into peoples feelings and emotions on whats going on in their country and what they must do to survive. Don't get me wrong, I'm by no means condoning terrorism, but there are people out there with their back against the wall that joining a terrorist faction was merely a means to survive. The closest thing I can compare it to over here is kind of like when people join gangs just to try and get by. After finishing up the book it's definitely piqued my interest and made me aware about another culture that is only portrayed one way in the media today. This scenario runs through my mind... Imagine, you're in pathmark on the day when the items are on sale and the place is crowded... and all of a sudden somebody screams out "In God we trust!!" before igniting the C4 strapped to a vest snugly tucked under their white tee and flight jacket...The next scene is beyond words and only in your nightmares and bad Quentin Tarantino films have you ever seen so much gore. You see people screaming and running all around you but you only hear the ringing in your ear like the emptiness from space being swallowed by a black hole... and then you realize that your father and little sister are no where to be found, and a sudden wave of panic rushes over you as you struggle to regain your balance. You look around you and see your family a little rattled, but no serious injury!...This is the happy version of what goes wrong every day in the battle between the Sunni's and the Shiites. Broaden your knowledge of the on going war if you haven't already, my only regret about this book is that I dint pick one up like this sooner.
Book Review,
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Saint Valentine's Day!
Over the years I’ve forgotten the true meaning of this celebrated day, so I decided to look it up! A lot of people think it’s all about the gifts! And you can’t blame people for really feeling like this because of all the ads and the way the media portrays it. All these commercials about buying this and buying that when in reality, it’s about celebrating you and your loved one’s union… that is the main thing I am looking forward to tonight (sucks I had to work all day today) BUT I have to brag! Because I REALLY LIKE my Vday gift! I got a brand new G-shock watch. Thanks babe! Even though we go through problems (doesn’t everybody?) your still the only girl I love. Nobody can make me feel the way you do. I really hope you like your gift! And to everybody that's single out there today, please DO NOT let Valentine's Day bring down your spirits. Love can strike as quick as lightning, it can also grow overtime depending on the situation your in. It can be as joyous as a newborn baby's laughter and light up the room. But It's Ok if your not in a relationship right now don't sweat it and be patient. Take this day to do what you want, stress free. Clean your closet. Go rent that movie you weren't sure about seeing in the movies and just waited for the DVD to come out. Study for that upcoming test (damnit that reminds me...lol) But don't beat yourself up and become depressed because it's a waste of time and it's just not healthy. I hope you guys enjoy your day! In a relationship or not, here's wishing everybody a good weekend!
My precious...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Where's my light? I'm no where near the end of the tunnel...
Lately I've been feeling like I've run out of gas, so to speak. No real direction of where, how or even what to do next. There are a few options and desires I'd like to accomplish which seem attainable but at the same time so out of reach right now…Of course it has a lot to do with the way I’m thinking because I’ve just been served a dose of reality. I won’t go through how I’ve felt with that because I’ve aired it out in the “Last stop” post lol. Maybe I need to re-evaluate where I am in my life and what I really want to do, especially career wise, because maaaaan does time fly! 3rd year in college but I’m still technically a freshmen!(more on that in another post…) I definitely know first hand about time and how harsh it can be if your heads in the clouds! Friends, and family play a bigger role than I’d like to admit. Somebody very special to me has pointed it out that friends and family are always important and they are really great to have. I’ve always known this some where deep inside myself but with the kind of childhood that I had always moving around, it was hard to really create a solid friendship so I kind of distanced myself…sort of waiting for the next move to come and it just became easier. Now that I’m settled (more or less), it’s a little tough to adjust I must say, as easy as it probably sounds to some of you who’ve been in the same neighborhood for all your life, hanging out with the same people since 1st grade, I do envy you guys. Keep a tight grip on your real friends, and keep an open arm for possible new friendships. They say people you meet in college will be with you forever, I often wonder if that’s true.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
The Abstract!
If you can only get one thing from this interview, which I will definitely try to apply to my world, is that "Content is King". Q-tip is one of my favorite artists, and has been since A tribe days. The wait was WELL worth it for this album!
Taken from okayplayer.
Taken from okayplayer.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Last Stop...
The bell goes off!... and you step inside the metal ring full of emotions, and glance around you in awe. Realizing you are now face to face with all these fighters, who are either in they’re prime or worn out and ready to retire. The looks of pain coupled with joy. Anger siding with the stoic expression of a Buddhist monk. Looking around you, how many people around you are heart broken, blissfully in love, on their way to see their loved ones, or to their new companion. Where are the ones riding to the side relationship that will fill them with the remorse of a murderer until confessed? As they put their heads down in shame and attempt to justify the trip, only thoughts of passion and excitement come to mind to cloud their superior judgment. I’m trapped and hopelessly being consumed by all these energies surrounding me, fueling my own anguish. Glancing through the window, down at the swiftly moving tracks, the realization sends a reverberating chill through my spine, that the train keeps on moving. I find myself dazed out, blindly staring directly at the floor watching the lights pass by in the corner pockets of my eyes in a big blur…as if time slowed down I could feel my mind floating and leaving my body standing there...escaping it's iron jaws. Looking down at the lights they seemed for a second almost like the tail of a comet as if I was in a space ship, racing to my destination at another planet, where the atmosphere may slightly numb the pain. Returning back to reality, I learned it does not care about your feelings, nor does it feel guilty for leaving you behind to fend for yourself. In all actuality, the metal behemoth doesn’t even know you exist.
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